Admin Access required.

A user's property access controls the properties a user can see within the Sourcepoint portal for each individual Sourcepoint product. In this article, we will cover how to manage an existing user's property access.

  Note: The features and functionalities a user can ultimately manage for a given property to which they have access is determined by the permissions assigned to the user.

Click Super Admin on the left-hand panel and select Users from the subsequent menu.


Navigate to a user on the subsequent list and click Edit inline with the user name.


Navigate to either Dialogue Properties and/or Diagnose Properties and use the provided field(s) to select the properties the user can access for each respective product.

  Note: Be advised that in order to successfully exercise your permissions on a property group you will need explicit access to the named property group under Dialogue Properties and not individual access to the properties included in the property group. 

Additionally, there are no property assignments for Privacy Lens.


Click Save to confirm the user's new property access.

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