Create campaign (multi-campaign)

   Permission: Campaign Staging and/or Campaign Public

Sourcepoint's campaign feature provides a simple process that allows your organization to run different types of Sourcepoint campaigns (e.g. U.S. Privacy (Legacy), GDPR, Custom Messaging) and assign priority to how they are triggered relative to one another. In this article, we will cover the following:


  Note: Sourcepoint's multi-campaign feature is currently unavailable for AMP properties. Please utilize Campaign (Legacy) for AMP properties.

In order to continue with the workflow outlined in this article, you will need to have in place the following:

  Note: If your organization plans to use iOS tracking messaging in your campaigns you will need to utilize the Unified SDK.

Create new campaign for multi-campaign

Click Campaigns on the left-hand panel and select Campaigns from the subsequent menu. 


Use the property field in the upper right-hand corner to select a property with multi-campaign enabled for which you will create a campaign.


Click New Campaign.


Use the subsequent panel to select the following for the campaign:

Click Create when finished.

  Note: There can only be a single campaign for each type (GDPR, U.S. Privacy, iOS Tracking, Custom Messaging, Preferences) in a campaign environment.

If there is a campaign in the environment with the same type as the new campaign, the original campaign will end in the environment and be replaced with the newly created campaign.


The campaign will be added to the specified environment with the specified priority level. Repeat as necessary for other campaigns that will run on the property.


Follow the links below for more information on how to manage campaigns included in your configuration on the property:

Maximum number of messages per pageview

Use the Maximum number of messages per pageview setting for the stage and public environment to limit the number of messages an end-user can potentially see during a given session.

  Note: An iOS Tracking Message counts as 2 messages. If iOS Tracking Message is included in a campaign for a property, the Maximum Number of Messages per Pageview must be set to at least 2 for the message experience to display properly.


Since campaigns are checked and executed based on priority, once the maximum number of messages is satisfied, subsequent campaigns will not be triggered for the session even if their conditions are met.


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