Report criteria

   Permission: Reporting TCFv2 and/or Reporting U.S. Privacy

Report criteria is a customizable slice of a property or properties in your account that is grouped together in reports. Report criteria can be used to compare performance data across properties and within properties. In this article, we will cover the following:

  Note: Report criteria functionality is not available in all reports.

Report criteria overview

Report criteria can be comprised of the following elements:

  • Property/Properties (required)
  • Regions (required)
  • Devices
  • Browsers
  • OS Family
  • iOS Version

Any selections made for regions, devices, browsers, and OS family will be applied to the property or properties you have included in the report criteria. Value options for regions, devices, browsers, and OS family are provided by Sourcepoint.

  Note: Reports that support report criteria can have multiple groupings in a single report to compare variables and combinations across and within properties.


Add new report criteria

When viewing a report with report criteria functionality, navigate to the top most panel and use the Properties field to add which properties and/or property groups will be included in the report criteria.

When finished, navigate to the Regions field and select which regions should be included for the properties and/or property groups you have selected. Properties and regions are required fields when creating report criteria.


Make any additional selections for the remaining devices, browsers, and OS family fields.

  Note: By default, regions, devices, browsers, and OS family are set to All. If you are customizing the value options for any of these fields, we recommend the following:

  • If removing a small number of value options from a field, simply click the options to be removed in order to deselect it from the list.
  • If removing a large number of the value options from a field, click All to deselect all value options from the field and click every option that should be included in the list

Click the Add icon when finished. The report will automatically repopulate to account for the new report criteria.


Edit report criteria

The selections made in a report criteria can be edited from a report by navigating to the report criteria pane and clicking the X to the right of the selection to be deleted.


  Note: If All has been selected for the regions, devices, browsers, or OS family fields you will be unable to edit the individual value options in the report criteria.


Delete criteria 

To delete an entire report criteria from an existing report, navigate to the report criteria pane and click the X on the right of the entire pane.

The report criteria will be deleted and the report will repopulate to reflect the deletion.


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