Permission: Campaign entities

Localized messages allow your organization to surface translations of your message experiences to your end-users based on their location or language preferences. Localized messages can be achieved a variety of ways depending on your resources, configuration, and needs. Please review the strategies below for which methodology best works for your organization.

Key/value pair targeting for localized messages

Key/value pair targeting for localized messages is a popular option for properties that allow end-users to select between languages. This method allows your organization to add customized targeting in your scenarios based on values you define and pass into the Sourcepoint platform. Using these values, your organization can then build messaging logic to serve different experiences to the end-user (such as different translations of your messaging experience). 

This method requires your organization to add a targetingParam to your property's implementation code. This targetingParam will be sent to Sourcepoint where it will be used to drive different messaging experiences. 

Web properties iOS Android

  Note: Additional information on how to utilize key-value pairs for web properties can be found here

window._sp_queue = [];window._sp_ = {    
    config: {        
                accountId: 1111,        
                baseEndpoint: '',        
                usnat: { },        
                gdpr: { },        
                propertyHref: '',        
                campaignEnv: 'stage',        
                isSPA: true,        
                            Espanol: true          

Using the key-value pair in your implementation code, you can then build a scenario that uses this pairing to drive a specific version of your message. This method entails that you have translations of your messages stored as separate messages (e.g. a message translated into English and a separate message translated into Spanish). 


In the below example, when Sourcepoint is passed the key-value pair Espanol:true from your property, we will surface a message in Spanish (that you have configured using the message builder).


Browser detection for localized messages

Browser detection is a toggle in a message builder which, when enabled, will detect the preferred language settings for your end-user's browsers. This method entails that translations of your message are stored within a message (i.e. a message contains the translations as supported languages).  

  • If the end-user's preferred browser language is supported by your organization, the message will dynamically surface the translation of textual elements (provided by you in the message builder).
  • If the end-user's preferred browser language is not supported by your organization, the message will surface with the configured default language.

  Note: Documentation for using browser detection to surface different localized messages is available by searching "dynamic language support" in our support center (e.g. Dynamic language support (privacy manager)). 

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 11.29.48 AM.png

Geolocation targeting for localized messages

Geolocation targeting is a popular option for organizations who want to easily compare message performance across multiple languages/geographic locations (since the messages shown will have unique IDs). Geolocation targeting utilizes our Geo targeting (Country) condition within the scenario builder to target end-users by country who are then shown specific translations of your messaging experience.  

This method entails that you have translations of your messages stored as separate messages (e.g. a message translated into English and a separate message translated into Spanish). 


In the example below, we are targeting end-users in Spain. According to the scenario, we will surface a message in Spanish (that you have configured using the message builder) when end-users access your property from Spain.


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