Permission: Campaign entities
Privacy Managers allow your organization to provide a consent experience that enables end-users to manage their data preferences at a granular level.
- Create new privacy manager
- Navigate privacy manager builder
- Custom view (GDPR TCF and GDPR Standard)
Create new privacy manager
Click Messages on the left-hand panel and select a regulatory regime (GDPR Messages, U.S. Privacy Messages (Legacy), or U.S. Multi-State Privacy Messages).
Click Web/Webview from either subsequent menu.
Note: When building a message for the GDPR regulatory regime, you will have the option to select either a Web/Webview message for either TCF or Standard.
Use the property field in the upper right-hand corner to select a property for which you will create a privacy manager.
Click the Privacy Manager tab and then navigate to + New Message to create a new privacy manager.
Use the subsequent page to customize the privacy manager for the property and click Create Message when finished. In the following section, we will provide a brief overview of how to navigate the privacy manager builder.
Navigate privacy manager builder
Note: Sourcepoint recommends that you begin the configuration of the Privacy Manager from a template.
In this section, we will cover the basic layout of the privacy manager builder and how to customize components.
Configure general settings for the privacy manager at any time by clicking Home in the breadcrumbs and using the Settings panel on the right-hand side.
From the Privacy Manager Settings tab, ensure that the Vendor List Preview is set to your desired vendor list.
Note: This step is not required and only meant to allow for a preview of purposes, features, and vendors while building your privacy manager. Ultimately, the end-user will see the purposes, features, and vendors for the active vendor list to which you have added the property.
Click + in the toolbar panel to add a new component to the builder. To customize the component (or any other component, click the component in the builder and use the Settings panel on the right-hand side to customize the details of that component.
Note: The breadcrumbs will enable you to quickly see which component you are currently editing.
For additional configuration options, use the Custom CSS editor.
Apply your custom styling by adding the CSS Handle to a component.
Custom view (GDPR TCF and GDPR Standard)
A custom view is specific to GDPR TCF and GDPR Standard privacy managers, and enables your organization to create a separate view with additional content that can be navigated to and from the privacy manager. In this section, we will cover the configurations you will need to add within the privacy manager builder to enable an end-user's experience of the custom view.
- Add navigation button to privacy manager view
- Add content to custom view
- Add navigation button to custom view
Note: Configurations such as privacy manager settings or dynamic language support performed on the privacy manager view will also need to be performed on the custom view.
Add navigation button to privacy manager view
In order to utilize the custom view, your organization will need to give its end-users a way to navigate to the view. Perform the following steps from the privacy manager view to add a navigation button to the custom view:
- Add a PMButton component.
- Highlight the newly added component.
- Expand the Content accordion and edit the Text for the button.
- Expand the Action accordion and select Go to Custom View from the Action Type dropdown menu.
Add content to custom view
Select your custom view from the Navigation Views pane and add content to your custom view as you would with the privacy manager view.
Click + in the toolbar panel to add a new component to the builder. To customize the component (or any other component, click the component in the builder and use the Settings panel on the right-hand side to customize the details of that component.
Add navigation button to custom view
Your organization will also need to give its end-users a way to navigate back to the privacy manager. Perform the following steps from the custom view to add a navigation button to the privacy manager view:
- Add a PMButton component.
- Highlight the newly added component.
- Expand the Content accordion and edit the Text for the button.
- Expand the Action accordion and select Go to Default PM View from the Action Type dropdown menu.