Resurface privacy manager

   Permission: Campaign entities

The privacy manager JavaScript code is a snippet that is added to a property and allows an end-user to resurface a privacy manager. Using this link/button, end-users can directly manage their consent preferences on an ongoing basis without having to re-encounter your organization's first layer message.

Create privacy manager JavaScript code

Click Messages on the left-hand panel and select a regulatory regime (GDPR Messages or U.S. Privacy Messages).

Click Web/Webview from either subsequent menu.

  Note: When selecting a message for the GDPR regulatory regime, you will have the option to select either a Web/Webview message for either TCF or Standard.


Use the property field in the upper right-hand corner to select a property for which you will resurface a privacy manager.


Click the Privacy Manager tab and locate the ID for a privacy manager on the subsequent list. 


The privacy manager JavaScript code uses a loadPrivacyManagerModal function to pass the specific privacy manager ID.

The format of the JavaScript code depends on the regulatory framework to which the privacy manager belongs and the Sourcepoint script implemented on the property. Please see the tabs below for the appropriate formatting:

  Note: If resurfacing a GDPR TCF/Standard privacy manager, you can also pass the tab that should be opened upon resurfacing. The tabs that can be passed to the function are:

Parameter Description
purposes Opens the user consent tab under purposes upon resurfacing the privacy manager.
vendors Opens the user consent tab under vendors upon resurfacing the privacy manager.

Opens the features tab upon resurfacing the privacy manager.

Note: Available for GDPR TCF only. 


Opens the legitimate interest tab under purposes upon resurfacing the privacy manager. 

Note: Available for GDPR TCF and GDPR Standard only. 


Opens the legitimate interest tab under vendors upon resurfacing the privacy manager.

Note: Available for GDPR TCF and GDPR Standard only. 

GDPR TCF/Standard (Multi-campaign script)
window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'purposes')

window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'vendors')

window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'features')

window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'purposes-li')

window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'vendors-li')
GDPR TCF/Standard (Legacy TCF v2 script)
window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'purposes')

window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'vendors')

window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'features')

window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'purposes-li')

window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal(GDPR_PM_ID, 'vendors-li')
U.S. Privacy (Legacy) (Multi-campaign script)
U.S. Privacy (Legacy) (Legacy U.S. Privacy script)
window._sp_ccpa.loadPrivacyManagerModal(PROPERTY_ID, 'USP_PM_ID')
U.S. Multi-State Privacy (Multi-campaign script)

Implement privacy manager JavaScript code

Attach the privacy manager JavaScript code to an event handler on your property. Most organizations who implement the JavaScript code on their page will attach the function to the onclick event of a page element.

GDPR TCF/Standard (Multi-campaign script)
<button onclick="window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal(123456, 'vendors')">Privacy Manager GDPR</button>

Call window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal() without passing a parameter and the property's group privacy manager as specified by the groupPmId parameter in your configuration will display to the end-user:

<button onclick="window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal()">Privacy Manager GDPR</button>
GDPR TCF/Standard (Legacy TCF v2 script)
<button onclick="window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal(123456, 'vendors')">Privacy Manager GDPR</button>

Call window._sp_.loadPrivacyManagerModal() without passing a parameter and the property's group privacy manager as specified by the groupPmId parameter will display to the end-user:

<button onclick="window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal()">Privacy Manager GDPR</button>
U.S. Privacy (Legacy) (Multi-campaign script)
<button onclick="window._sp_.ccpa.loadPrivacyManagerModal(789876)">Privacy Manager USP</button>
U.S. Privacy (Legacy) (Legacy U.S. Privacy script)
<button onclick="window._sp_ccpa.loadPrivacyManagerModal(null, '6008945566ef34sdfe8e07cc7')">Privacy Manager USP</button>
U.S. Multi-State Privacy (Multi-campaign script)
<button onclick="window._sp_.usnat.loadPrivacyManagerModal('123456')">Privacy Manager Multi-State</button>

Call window._sp_.usnat.loadPrivacyManagerModal() without passing a parameter and the property's group privacy manager as specified by the groupPmId parameter will display to the end-user:

<button onclick="window._sp_.usnat.loadPrivacyManagerModal()">Privacy Manager Multi-State</button>
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