Dynamic language support (privacy manager)

   Permission: Campaign entities

In this article, we will cover how to dynamically present translations of your privacy manager to end-users based on their default browser language.

  Note: If your organization utilizes a custom view for you GDPR TCF or GDPR Standard privacy manager, you will need to configure the language support separately for the privacy manager and custom view.  

Privacy manager language settings

To start, navigate to or create a privacy manager on a property. In this article, we will use a GDPR TCF privacy manager but the following instructions are applicable to the following regulatory frameworks:

  • GDPR Standard
  • U.S. Privacy (Legacy)
  • U.S. Multi-State Privacy


From the Home view of the privacy manager builder, navigate to the Settings panel on the right-hand side and expand the Language accordion.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 10.42.25 AM.png

Field Description
Default Language

Defines the language that will appear by default for your end-users. That is, if the end-user's browser default language is not supported and a language translation is not provided, the end-user will see all content in your default language.

Use the provided dropdown menu to select your default language for the privacy manager.

Supporting Language

Allows you to add all the languages you plan to support with your uploaded translations.

  Note: The default language is also added to the Supporting Language field.

Use Browser Default Toggle this feature ON in order to have the privacy manager dynamically surface the appropriate translations based on an end-user's default browser language.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 10.53.42 AM.png

Provide translation to components

If you have added additional languages to the Supporting Language field (other than the default language), you will have the option to upload component translations in bulk via csv file. 

Expand the Bulk Upload Translation accordion and use the provided dropdown menu to select all of the message components you wish to translate.

Click Download CSV file when finished. 

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11.02.28 AM.png

In the subsequent modal, Sourcepoint will surface the assigned component names and allow your organization to edit any of these names before downloading the csv template. These names should be unique and is used by the Sourcepoint system to map translations to the correct component.

Click Update & Download

The csv template for your selected components will be downloaded to your machine and the component names will be updated to reflect your edits.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 11.16.25 AM.png

The csv template will list out the components of your privacy manager, the copy for each component in your default language, and spaces to add translations for each component in your supporting language(s).

Add translations for each component in the appropriate cell.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 12.03.12 PM.png

  Note: You will notice that the default language for text components will have the html tags. While you do not have to include the html tags in your provided translations for supported languages, it may be useful to utilize these tags to maintain inline links.

Navigate back to the privacy manager builder and click Upload transition file

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 2.10.33 PM.png

Once the csv template is uploaded, a modal will confirm the translations that were added, replaced, and that are still missing.

Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 2.17.26 PM.png

Preview message

Select your supported language from the Preview message dropdown menu to view the translated components in the privacy manager builder. 

  Note: Components with missing translations will use the default language in the preview. 

Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 11.05.13 AM.png

(Optional) Test privacy manager translations for GDPR TCF

Generally, IAB specific components will have translations automatically supplied by the IAB (i.e. your organization will not need to provide your own translations). Two notable exceptions are:

  • Custom stacks/purposes (provided by your organization via the vendor list)
  • TCF v2.1 cookie duration text (provided by Sourcepoint in limited languages)

We suggest that once translations are uploaded for all text elements in your privacy manager that you change your browser language to the supported language and refresh your privacy manager. The dynamic language support will be triggered and the vendor list elements will be displayed with the IAB supplied translations.


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