In the table below please find information regarding they keys stored in SharedPreferences for a current Sourcepoint Dialogue implementation on an Android device.

Key Expiry Description Set when:
sp.gdpr.consentUUID Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Represents the users unique id for which a GDPR consent record is stored against Set when the GDPR campaign is present
sp.gdpr.key.consent.status Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months End-user's consent choices for GDPR messaging campaign. Set when the GDPR campaign is present Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Date the end-user consent record was created or updated for a GDPR campaign Set when the GDPR campaign is present Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Date the end-user consent record expires for a GDPR campaign Set when the GDPR campaign is present
sp.gdpr.key.sampling.result Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Whether the user was sampled and counts as a "page view" for GDPR campaigns Set when the GDPR campaign is present
sp.usnat.key.consent.status Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months End-user's consent choices for U.S. Multi-State Privacy message campaign. Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
sp.usnat.key.sampling.result Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Whether the user was sampled and counts as a "page view" for U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaigns Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
sp.ccpa.consentUUID Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Represents the users unique id for which a U.S. Privacy (Legacy) consent record is stored against Set when the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign is present
sp.ccpa.key.consent.status Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months End-user's consent choices for U.S. Privacy (Legacy) message campaign Set when the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign is present Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Date the end-user consent record was created or updated for a U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign Set when the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign is present Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Date the end-user consent record expires for a U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign Set when the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign is present
sp.ccpa.key.sampling.result Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Whether the user was sampled and counts as a "page view" for U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaigns Set when the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign is present
sp.key.config.propertyId Does not expire Sourcepoint property ID Always set
sp.key.messages.v7.local.state Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months For each regulation on the property, contains: property ID, message ID, and scenario state Always set
sp.key.messages.v7.nonKeyedLocalState Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months For each regulation on the property, contains: campaign ID delivered to the end-user and randomized partition number assigned to the end-user Always set Refreshed on every use of the SDK Technical data regarding campaign message and sampling rates Always set
IABTCF_CmpSdkID Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months The unsigned integer ID of CMP SDK Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_CmpSdkVersion Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months The unsigned integer version number of CMP SDK Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PolicyVersion Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months The unsigned integer representing the version of the TCF that these consents adhere to Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_gdprApplies Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Determines whether or not GDPR applies in its current context Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PublisherCC Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Country code of the country that determines the legislation of reference. Normally corresponds to the country code of the country n which the publisher's business entity is established Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PurposeOneTreatment Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Vendors can use this value to determine whether consent for purpose one is required Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_UseNonStandardTexts Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Determines whether CMP uses customized stack descriptions and/or modified or supplemented standard Illustrations Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_TCString Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Full encoded TC string Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_VendorConsents Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the consent status for Vendor ID Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_VendorLegitimateInterests Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the legitimate interest status for Vendor ID Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PurposeConsents Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the consent status for purpose ID Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PurposeLegitimateInterests Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the legitimate interest status for purpose ID Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_SpecialFeaturesOptIns Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the opt-in status for special feature ID Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PublisherRestrictions{ID} Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the publisher restriction type for vendor Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PublisherConsent Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the purpose consent status for purpose ID or the publisher as they correspond to the Global Vendor List Purposes Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PublisherLegitimateInterests Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the purpose legitimate interest status for purpose ID for the publisher as they correspond to the Global Vendor List Purposes Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PublisherCustomPurposesConsents Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the purpose consent status for the publisher's custom purpose ID for the publisher Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABTCF_PublisherCustomPurposesLegitimateInterests Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Indicates the purpose legitimate interest status for the publisher's custom purpose ID for the publisher Set when the GDPR campaign is present and it's a TCF campaign
IABUSPrivacy_String Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Aligns with IAB OpenRTB CCPA Advisory. The String encodes all choices and information Set when the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign is present
IABGPP_HDR_Version Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months GPP Version Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_HDR_Sections Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months List of Section IDs Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_HDR_GppString Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Full consent string in its encoded form Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_GppSID Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Section ID(s) considered to be in force Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_[SectionID]_String Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months String representation of each section Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_Gpc Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Is Global Privacy Control enabled for the vendor list and detected on the end-user's browser? Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_GpcSegmentType Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Possible values: 0 = Core | 1 = GPC Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Consents for each data activity (2) in the processing of personal or sensitive data of consumer who is a known child category Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_MspaCoveredTransaction Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Publisher or Advertiser, as applicable, is a signatory to the IAB Multi-state Service Provider Agreement (MSPA), as may be amended from time to time, and declares that the transaction is a “Covered Transaction” as defined in the MSPA Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_MspaOptOutOptionMode Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Publisher or Advertiser, as applicable, has enabled “Opt-Out Option Mode” for the “Covered Transaction,” as such terms are defined in the MSPA Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_MspaServiceProviderMode Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Publisher or Advertiser, as applicable, has enabled “Service Provider Mode” for the “Covered Transaction,” as such terms are defined in the MSPA Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_PersonalDataConsents Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Consent to Collection, Use, Retention, Sale, and/or Sharing of the Consumer’s Personal Data that Is Unrelated to or Incompatible with the Purpose(s) for which the Consumer’s Personal Data Was Collected or Processed Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SaleOptOut Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Opt-Out of the Sale of the Consumer’s Personal Data Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SaleOptOutNotice Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Notice of the Opportunity to Opt Out of the Sales of the Consumer's Personal Data Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SensitiveDataLimitUseNotice Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Notice of the Opportunity to Limit Use or Disclosure of the Consumer’s Sensitive Data Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SensitiveDataProcessing Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Consents for each data activity (12) in the sensitive data category Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SensitiveDataProcessingOptOutNotice Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Notice of the Opportunity to Opt Out of the Processing of the Consumer’s Sensitive Data Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SharingNotice Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Notice of the Sharing of the Consumer's Personal Data with Third Parties Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SharingOptOut Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Opt-Out of the Sharing of the Consumer’s Personal Data Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_SharingOptOutNotice Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Notice of the Opportunity to Opt Out of the Sharing of the Consumer's Personal Data Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_TargetedAdvertisingOptOut Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Opt-Out of Processing the Consumer’s Personal Data for Targeted Advertising Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_TargetedAdvertisingOptOutNotice Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months Notice of the Opportunity to Opt Out of Processing of the Consumer’s Personal Data for Targeted Advertising Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
IABGPP_USNAT_Version Expiration is configurable by client, but no longer than 12 months The version of the U.S. National Privacy Section used to encode the string Set when the U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign is present
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