Search vendor in vendor trace

When populated, a vendor trace report will include all the vendors found in the scanned that satisfy the configured criteria, consent status and metric filters. Your organization can isolate and view a specific vendor throughout the entire trace by utilizing the built in vendor search tool.

From a populated vendor trace report, navigate to the provided Search Vendor field and select a vendor from the dropdown menu. The list of selectable vendors is pre-populated with vendors that all appear in the current trace. 

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The vendor trace results will highlight the selected vendor automatically. When searching for a specific vendor in the current trace, your organization can use the vendor widget in the View toolbar to toggle your view of the searched vendor in the trace.

View setting Description
Show only searched vendors Report will only show the vendors that are included in the trace line(s) for the searched vendor. All other vendors will be hidden in the visualization
Show all vendors Report will highlight the trace line(s) for the searched vendor within the context of all 

Screenshot_2024-04-22_at_10_43_56 AM.jpg

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