Alerts overview

Diagnose alerts inform your organization of changes to your properties that may require your attention. In this article, we will review the ways your organization can view alerts.

  Note: Click here to learn more about the different kinds of alerts we can notify your organization about. 


From any Diagnose page in the Sourcepoint portal, navigate to the Bell icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

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Use the dropdown menu to view and navigate to your read and reviewed alerts.

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Alerts page

The Alerts page in the Sourcepoint portal is the centralized location for all of your read and reviewed alerts, and email preference configurations. 

Click Alerts on the left hand-panel.

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All new (which is the same as unread) alerts can be found under the New tab while any read (which is the same as reviewed) can be found under the Reviewed tab on the Alerts page.

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When configured, Sourcepoint will deliver daily emails to the email address associated with your Diagnose user account regarding specific alerts. Click here to learn more about configuring your email preferences. 

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