Bulk upload privacy choice translations (All frameworks)

   Permission: Vendor List - U.S. Multi-State

In addition to configuring default copy and translations for privacy choices within the Sourcepoint portal, your organization can also utilize the bulk upload feature to import a csv file with your translations. 

  Note: Similar to what is configurable within the Sourcepoint portal, only the Description and Choice Text for each privacy choice is available through the bulk upload feature. 

Click Vendor Management from the left-hand rail and select U.S. Multi-State Privacy from the menu. 

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 8.30.14 AM.png

Select an existing vendor list on the subsequent page.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 10.00.14 AM.png

Click the Language & Translations tab and select Bulk Upload

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 12.13.16 PM.png

From the subsequent modal, select whether you intend to upload translations for Choice Text or Description.

Use the provided dropdown menu to select the Languages and Privacy Choices that you will upload. If uploading translations for choice text, you have the option to select any individual sensitive data category that you have configured for the vendor list. 

Click Download CSV Template when finished. 

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 10.21.38 AM.png

A csv file will be downloaded to the specified location on your local machine. Update the columns for each language that you have selected to support. 

  Note: Do not edit the text in the Privacy Choice column of the csv file. This column is used to map your translations to the appropriate privacy choice. 

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 10.59.21 AM.png

Drag and drop your edited csv file into the provided area of the bulk upload modal. Once uploaded, the privacy choice translations will automatically populate in your vendor list. 

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 12.32.55 PM.png

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