Your organization will probably want to load and reload your messages multiple times while testing your CMP web implementation. In this article, we've compiled some tips and tricks that you can leverage while testing your CMP implementation.
Reload CMP messaging experience in same browser
Once you have loaded and interacted with your messages on your test web property, your consent record is stored to the consentUUID
cookie. Subsequent refreshes/reloads of the test web property from this browser will read the existing consentUUID
cookie and a message will generally not reappear unless specified in your scenario.
: Represents the users unique id for which a consent record is stored against
A simple way to reload your CMP messaging experience in the same browser is to remove the consentUUID
cookie from your browser.
Reload your browser after the consentUUID
cookie is removed. Sourcepoint's messaging service will not detect the consentUUID
and reload your messaging experience.
Test campaign in Stage environment (web)
Campaign(s) added to the stage environment allow you to preview and test your message experience (strategy, layout, copy, etc.) on the property without it being visible to your end-users.
In order to test a campaign running in the Stage environment for a web property you will need to append the following query string parameter to the URL: ?_sp_env=stage
Below is an example of a URL that would surface the Stage campaign for the web property