Sourcepoint offers messaging capabilities for multiple regulatory frameworks for your AMP property. These messages are surfaced to your end-users in accordance with the campaigns (and scenarios) that you configure for the AMP property. In this article, we will cover how to implement GDPR TCF on your AMP property.
Note: This method of AMP implementation for GDPR is legacy. Sourcepoint recommends that your organization uses the AMP implementation for GDPR & U.S. Privacy combined and configure the code for the regulation(s) they need to follow.
Note: Please be advised that the configuration of your AMP property (property, vendor list, messages, etc...) in the Sourcepoint portal needs to follow prescribed guidelines specific to AMP. In addition to this implementation article, please review our AMP configuration guidelines article.
Implementation code snippet for AMP property
In this section, we will cover the various elements that you may find in the GDPR TCF implementation code for your AMP property. The GDPR TCF implementation code can be divided into three distinct sections:
GDPR TCF AMP headers
The following scripts should be copied into the header of the AMP property without modification:
<!-- required for the amp-consent component -->
<script async="" src=""></script>
<!-- required to sync auth_id with publishers domain and domain -->
<script async="" src=""></script>
The following code should be inserted near the top of the body of the AMP property without modification. This component allows an end-user’s consent selections to persist across AMP pages hosted on a Google domain and your organization's domain.
<script type=application/json>
"linkers": {
"authId": {
"ids": {
"enabled": true,
"proxyOnly": false
"cookies": {
"enabled": true,
"authId": {
"value": "LINKER_PARAM(authId, _a)"
Further configure the <amp-analytics> component for your property
Note: This article describes how to configure the <amp-analytics> component specifically for the implementation of the Sourcepoint CMP for AMP. Please read the official AMP guide for further instructions (click here and here) on how to configure the <amp-analytics> component for your property.
The amp-consent component is where you will include the specific account and property details for your organization. Within the component you will need to update certain placeholders with the correct values.
<amp-consent id="consent" layout="nodisplay">
<script type="application/json">
"checkConsentHref": "https://{CNAME DOMAIN}/wrapper/tcfv2/v1/amp-v2?authId=CLIENT_ID",
"consentRequired": "remote",
"consentInstanceId": "sourcepoint",
"postPromptUI": "consent-ui",
"promptUISrc": "https://{CNAME DOMAIN}/amp/unified/index.html?authId=CLIENT_ID&source_url=SOURCE_URL",
"cookies": {
"enabled": true,
"AMP-CONSENT": { "value": "LINKER_PARAM(authId, _a)" }
"clientConfig": {
"accountId": {__SP_ACCOUNT_ID__},
"propertyHref": {__SP_PROPERTY_HREF__},
"targetingParams": {"darkmode":"true"},
"stageCampaign": false,
"pmTab": "purposes",
"privacyManagerId": {__SP_PRIVACY_MANAGER_ID__},
"initialHeight": 80,
"authId": {__AUTH_ID__}
Parameter | Description |
consentInstanceId |
Parameter tells the <amp-consent> component to use Sourcepoint code. This parameter should always be set to sourcepoint . |
consentRequired |
Parameter tells the <amp-consent> component to use code from a remote source. This parameter should always be set to remote unless restricting consent collection to region(s). |
checkConsentHref |
URL that will check the end-user's consent. The path for this URL will leverage the CNAME record. The format of the URL path is https://{CNAME DOMAIN}/wrapper/tcfv2/v1/amp-v2?authId=CLIENT_ID where {CNAME DOMAIN} would be replaced by the CNAME domain record created. |
promptUISrc |
URL that will return the post prompt user interface where end-user's can change their consent. The path should always be set to https://{CNAME DOMAIN}/amp/unified/index.html?authId=CLIENT_ID&source_url=SOURCE_URL where {CNAME DOMAIN} would be replaced by the CNAME domain record previously created. |
postPromptUI |
The page element that should be displayed to end-users to provide them with the ability to change their consent after they initially consent. Click here for more information. |
cookies |
Required to store and persist consent across pages. This object should always be defined exactly as in the example without modification. |
accountId |
Replace the {__SP_ACCOUNT_ID__} placeholder with your Sourcepoint account ID. |
propertyHref |
Property created in the Sourcepoint analytics dashboard that contains the message, scenario, partition set, and campaign. Replace the {__SP_PROPERTY_HREF__} placeholder with the property name, preceded by the https:// protocol. For example, a property defined as in the UI should have a propertyHref value of . |
targetingParams |
Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more. |
privacy |
Replace the {__SP_PRIVACY_MANAGER_ID__} placeholder with the the privacy manager ID, found in the Sourcepoint analytics dashboard and the privacy manager builder for your campaign. |
pmTab |
Determines which tab is opened by default when the privacy manager is accessed. The value for the parameter can either be |
stageCampaign |
A parameter that accepts a boolean value. When set to |
initialHeight |
A value between 1 - 100 that represents the percentage of the screen that the first layer message should cover on the page. |
authId |
Allows your organization to identify user in AMP. |
Implementation code example
The following is a code example using a property from a demo account and the default domain from Sourcepoint.
<!doctype html>
<html amp lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Simple AMP implementation GDPR</title>
<script async src=""></script>
<!-- required for the amp-consent component -->
<script async custom-element="amp-consent" src=""></script>
<!-- required to sync auth_id with publishers domain and domain -->
<script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>
<h1>Simple AMP code example - GDPR</h1>
<script type=application/json>
"linkers": {
"authId": {
"ids": {
"enabled": true,
"cookies": {
"enabled": true,
"authId": {
"value": "LINKER_PARAM(authId, _a)"
<amp-consent id="consent" layout="nodisplay">
<script type="application/json">
"checkConsentHref": "",
"consentRequired": "remote",
"consentInstanceId": "sourcepoint",
"postPromptUI": "consent-ui",
"promptUISrc": "//",
"cookies": {
"enabled": true,
"AMP-CONSENT": { "value": "LINKER_PARAM(authId, _a)" }
"clientConfig": {
"accountId": 1732,
"propertyHref": "",
"targetingParams": {"darkmode":"true"},
"stageCampaign": false,
"pmTab": "purposes",
"privacyManagerId": 547514,
"initialHeight": 80,
"authId": "xxx" //remove for production use or configure unique authId
<div id="consent-ui">
<button on="tap:consent.prompt(consent=SourcePoint)">Privacy Settings</button>