Client configuration parameters

In additional to the required client configuration parameters for a web implementation your organization can also utilize optional parameters for further customizations unique to your implementation. The optional client configuration parameters can be categorized into the following groups:  

Overall client configuration parameters

In the tables below, please find the available parameters for your implementation.

Parameter Data Type Description
authId   Allows your organization to pass a consent identifier to Sourcepoint to be used with authenticated consent. Click here to learn more. 
authCookie String Allows your organization to configure a unique name for Sourcepoint's authId cookie. Click here for more information on authId.
campaignEnv String

Designates which campaign environment to use and accepts either of the following values:

  • stage
  • prod

When set to stage, the implementation will default to campaigns configured in your stage campaign environment. When set to prod, the implementation will default to campaigns configured in your public campaign environment. 

  Note: This parameter defaults to your prod campaign environment unless otherwise indicated.

ccpa Object U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaigns are surfaced on your property by adding the ccpa campaign object to your configuration. Click here for more information.
consentLanguage String

Enforce that the message is delivered in the specified language regardless of an end-user's browser language setting. Click here for a list of ISO 639-1 language codes.

  Note: Be aware that if you utilize the Use Browser Default toggle in the message builder to dynamically support multiple languages, Sourcepoint will ignore the language setting configured in the consentLanguage parameter. 

custom Object

Custom messaging campaigns are surfaced on your property by adding the custom campaign object to your configuration. Click here for more information.

gdpr Object

GDPR TCF or GDPR Standard messaging campaigns are surfaced on your property by adding the gdpr campaign object to your configuration. Click here for more information.

isSPA Boolean When set to true, will confirm the implementation for a single page application and will show a message only when window._sp_.executeMessaging(); is triggered.

Click here to learn more about single page application functions.
joinHref Boolean When set to true, will ensure that all directory regular expression functionality works in conjunction with the propertyHref parameter.

The joinHref parameter is solely used to test your implementation across different servers while still allowing for URL RegEx matching.

For these reasons, Sourcepoint strongly recommends that joinHref is set to true to ensure full CMP functionality.
preferences Object Preferences messaging campaigns are surfaced on your property by adding the preferences campaign object to your configuration. Click here for more information.
propertyHref String Maps the implementation to a specific URL as set up in the Sourcepoint account dashboard. Click here for more information and best practices.

  Note: Use the propertyHref parameter to spoof messaging campaigns onto a local environment for testing or debugging.

propertyHref: "",
propertyId Number Maps the message to a specific property (website, app, OTT) as set up in Sourcepoint account dashboard.
targetingParams Object Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more.

  Note: targetingParams set within the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) or GDPR object will override this configuration.

targetingParams: {
   key1: valueA,
   key2: valueB
usnat Object U.S. Multi-State Privacy messaging campaigns are surfaced on your property by adding the usnat campaign object to your configuration. Click here for more information.
window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 1584,
        baseEndpoint: '',
        ccpa: { },
        gdpr: { },
        propertyHref: '',
        authCookie: 'test_uuid',
        campaignEnv: 'stage',
        isSPA: true,
        joinHref: true,
            darkmode: true
        consentLanguage: 'es',

U.S. Multi-State Privacy client configuration parameters

In the tables below, please find the available parameters specific to U.S. Multi-State Privacy. These parameters should be implemented within the usnat: { } object.

  Note: In order to surface a U.S. Multi-State Privacy message to your clients, you will need to include the usnat:{ } object in your client configuration script regardless of whether you configure any optional parameters.

Parameter Data Type Description
groupPmId Number

Allows your organization to use the privacy manager ID for the property group's privacy manager.

  Note: Call window._sp_.usnat.loadPrivacyManagerModal() without passing a parameter and the privacy manager that displays will be that property's version of the groupPmId privacy manager.

includeGppApi Boolean

By default, this parameter is always set to true.

Set parameter to false when implementing a U.S. Multi-State Privacy (Standard) campaign. This will keep the _gpp API from loading and enable Sourcepoint's API commands for the Standard framework.

  Note: In addition to setting this parameter to false, your organization should also remove the IAB stub file from its implementation.

includeUspApi Boolean

Enables support of the U.S. Privacy API (__uspapi) commands and the setting of the uspString. Please be aware that a uspString will only be set if you use either of the following privacy choices:

  • Sale of Personal Information
  • Sale or Sharing of Personal Information/Targeted Advertising

This feature should not be used if your organization requires sensitive data opt-ins since U.S. Privacy (Legacy) does not have support for sensitive data categories. Additionally, it should not be used if your organization only require Sharing of Personal Information/Targeted Advertising.

  Note: In addition to the includeUspApi parameter, you will also need to include the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) stub file in your configuration. 

targetingParams Object

Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more.

  Note: targetingParams set within the usnat object will override overall targetingParams.

targetingParams: {               
   key1: valueA,
   key2: valueB
window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 1584,
        baseEndpoint: '',
        usnat: { 
                darkmode: true
            includeUspApi: true,
            groupPmId: 123456
        propertyHref: '',

U.S. Privacy (Legacy) client configuration parameters

In the tables below, please find the available parameters specific to U.S. Privacy (Legacy). These parameters should be implemented within the ccpa: { } object.

  Note: In order to surface a U.S. Privacy (Legacy) message to your clients, you will need to include the ccpa:{ } object in your client configuration script regardless of whether you configure any optional parameters.

Parameter Data Type Description
alwaysDisplayDNS Boolean Setting this parameter to true enables use cases where a Sourcepoint Do Not Sell (my data) notification is hardcoded.
targetingParams Object

Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more.

  Note: targetingParams set within the ccpa object will override overall targetingParams.

targetingParams: {               
   key1: valueA,
   key2: valueB
window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 1584,
        baseEndpoint: '',
        ccpa: { 
            alwaysDisplayDNS: false,
                darkmode: true
        propertyHref: '',

GDPR client configuration parameters

In the tables below, please find the available parameters specific to GDPR. These parameters should be implemented within the gdpr: { } object.

  Note: In order to surface a GDPR message to your clients, you will need to include the gdpr:{ } object in your client configuration script regardless of whether you configure any optional parameters.

Parameter Data Type Description
groupPmId Number

Allows your organization to use the privacy manager ID for the property group's privacy manager.

  Note: Call window._sp_.gdpr.loadPrivacyManagerModal() without passing a parameter and the privacy manager that displays will be that property's version of the groupPmId privacy manager.

targetingParams Object

Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more.

  Note: targetingParams set within the gdpr object will override overall targetingParams.

targetingParams: {               
   key1: valueA,
   key2: valueB
shortCircuitPartialConsent Boolean

When set to true will eliminate an extra network call when the end-user has at least partial consent.

  Note: When this parameter is set to true, an end-user will not receive a new message until their consent expires. Re-consent scenario steps will not be possible.

window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 1584,
        baseEndpoint: '',
        gdpr: {
            groupPmId: 123456,
                darkmode: false
            shortCircuitPartialConsent: true  
        propertyHref: '',

Preferences client configuration parameters

In the tables below, please find the available parameters specific to Preferences. These parameters should be implemented within the preferences: { } object.

  Note: In order to surface a Preferences message to your clients, you will need to include the preferences:{ } object in your client configuration script regardless of whether you configure any optional parameters.

Parameter Data Type Description
id String

Pass the identifier used to identify the end-user (e.g. email address). The end-user's preferences are stored against this identifier. 

  Note: The id parameter is always required within the preferences to identify the end-user.

targetingParams Object

Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more.

  Note: targetingParams set within the preferences object will override overall targetingParams.

targetingParams: {               
   key1: valueA,
   key2: valueB
window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 1584,
        baseEndpoint: '',
        preferences: {
            id: '',  
                darkmode: false
        propertyHref: '',

Custom Messaging client configuration parameters

In the tables below, please find the available parameters specific to Custom Messaging. These parameters should be implemented within the custom: { } object.

  Note: In order to surface a custom message to your clients, you will need to include the custom:{ } object in your client configuration script regardless of whether you configure any optional parameters.

Parameter Data Type Description
targetingParams Object

Targeting params allow a developer to set arbitrary key/value pairs. These key/value pairs are sent to Sourcepoint servers where they can be used to take a decision within the scenario builder. Click here to learn more.

  Note: targetingParams set within the custom object will override overall targetingParams.

targetingParams: {               
   key1: valueA,
   key2: valueB
window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 1584,
        baseEndpoint: '',
        custom: {
                darkmode: false
        propertyHref: '',
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