Universal Consent and Preferences message builder component

   Permission: Campaign entities

Universal Consent and Preferences messages allow your organization to collect and manage an end-user's marketing preferences and/or acceptance of legal documents. In this article, we will cover the key aspects of the Category component in the Universal Consent and Preferences message builder which will be used to surface the Marketing Preference categories and/or Legal Transaction categories that you have set up elsewhere in your configuration.

From the Universal Consent and Preferences message builder, add the Category component to you message by clicking the + icon in the Toolbar pane.

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Select the Category component from the subsequent modal.

Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 12.12.22 PM.png

The Category component will be added to your Universal Consent and Preferences message. Click the recently added component and navigate to the Settings pane to configure the component. 

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The Category accordion enables your organization to select which category you wish to pull into the message from the associated Universal Consent and Preferences configuration. Use the provided buttons to select whether the component should be utilizing a Marketing Preference or Legal Transaction category. 

Once a selection is made, utilize the dropdown menu to select a specific category.

Field Description

Enables you to add a Marketing Preferences category to your message. Each Category component in your message can only have one Marketing Preference category associated with it.


Enables you to add a Legal Transaction category to your message. The Category component can have multiple Legal Transaction categories associated with it (i.e. end-users can accept/reject/be notified of multiple legal transactions with a single component.  

  Note: If multiple Legal Transaction categories are added to a single Category component then the content for the component (Category Name and Category Description) will need to be overwritten within the message builder.

Hide category component When checked, will hide the component from being seen by the end-user.

Information and content for your selected category will populate in the Category component for the message as it is setup in your Universal Consent and Preferences configuration.

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The Content accordion enables you to overwrite and provide translations for the Marketing Preferences or Legal Transaction category name and description. 


The category name, category description, and any translations are pulled into the message from the Universal Consent and Preferences configuration associated with the property.

The Universal Consent and Preferences configuration associated with the property is the source of the content and any updates should be made in the configuration. 

Message overwrite

Edit and provide translations for the category name and category description being pulled into the message from the Universal Consent and Preferences configuration associated with the property.

The edits you make in the Content accordion will overwrite the default content and be saved on a per message basis. Overwriting the category content in the message will not impact what is setup in the Universal Consent and Preferences configuration.

  Note: If multiple Legal Transaction categories are added to a single Category component then the content for the component (Category Name and Category Description) will need to be overwritten within the message builder.

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Language translation of Category component

Managing the translations of the category content (i.e. the Category Name and Category Description) depends on whether you are relying on the default content setup in the Universal Consent and Preferences configuration or whether this content has been overwritten in the message Content accordion.


Default translations for Category Name and Category Description are managed in the Universal Consent and Preferences configuration. Please review the documentation below for more information:

Message overwrite Translations for overwritten Category Name and Category Description is edited and saved in the message builder. See below for more information.

In this section we will cover how to provide translations for overwritten Category Name and Category Description for a Content component. 

  Note: Be advised that overwritten Category Name and Category Description fields are currently not available via the bulk translation feature and must be done using the directions below.

From the Home view of the Universal Consent and Preferences message builder, navigate to the Settings panel on the right-hand side and expand the Language accordion.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 at 2.21.05 PM.png

Field Description
Default Language

Defines the language that will appear by default for your end-users. That is, if the end-user's browser default language is not supported and a language translation is not provided, the end-user will see all content in your default language.

Use the provided dropdown menu to select your default language for the Universal Consent and Preferences message.

Supporting Language

Allows you to add all the languages you plan to support with your translations.

  Note: The default language is also added to the Supporting Language field.

Use Browser Default Toggle this feature ON in order to have the Universal Consent and Preferences message dynamically surface the appropriate translations based on an end-user's default browser language.

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Once your supported languages are selected, select a Category component for which you will be providing translations for overwritten content. Expand the Content accordion on the right-hand pane. 

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Navigate to the Language field for either Category Name or Category Description and select a supported language that you previously added. 

Input the translation for both Category Name and Category Description. 

Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 9.46.14 AM.png

Repeat as necessary for other support languages.

Selection controls

The selection controls accordion of the Category component allows you to configure the selection mechanism that the end-user will use to consent or reject the Marketing Preference or Legal Transaction category. 

  Note: The default setting for the selection control is dependent on what was setup in the Universal Consent and Preferences configuration for the category's Default User State field.

Field Description
Type Enables you to change the selection mechanism that the end-user would use to consent or reject the Marketing Preference or Legal Transaction category. 
Control Position Decides whether the selection mechanism is placed to the right or left of the Marketing Preference or Legal Transaction category.

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