U.S. Multi-State Privacy (National) Transition readiness (web and app)

The IAB Tech Lab's Global Privacy Platform's (GPP) Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS) is a signal that notifies downstream partners that participating publishers have provided end-users with specific notice and choice over data processing activities on their properties.

Sourcepoint has collated a checklist for your organization to ensure the successful migration of your web and app properties' campaigns to the GPP specification.

  Note: As a reminder, all framework participants must transition to GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS) by January 31st, 2024.

UI/UX updates

Once your account is enabled for transition, your organization will experience the following changes in the Sourcepoint portal:

Naming convention for U.S. Privacy Standard vendor list builder changes to U.S. Privacy (Legacy)
Before After
Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 2.42.50 PM.png Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 10.29.03 AM.png
New vendor list builder for U.S. Multi-State Privacy

Click Vendor Management on the left-hand panel and select U.S. Multi-State Privacy from the subsequent menu.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 10.31.53 AM.png

Click New on the following page.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 2.27.59 PM.png

The U.S. Multi-State Privacy vendor list builder will guide you through the configuration process.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 11.15.59 AM.png

New message builder for U.S. Multi-State Privacy

When viewing the campaign entities for a property, click Messages and select U.S. Multi-State Privacy Messages from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 9.19.03 AM.png

Click Web/Webview from the subsequent menu.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 9.19.16 AM.png

From the next page, select either the First Layer or Privacy Manager tab and click + New Message to access the U.S. Multi-State Privacy Message builder. 

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 9.23.11 AM.png


Property type Support

Supported on web properties that utilize Soucepoint's Unified script in its implementation.

iOS (mobile) Supported on app properties that utilize Soucepoint's SDK 7.5.0 +
Android (mobile) Supported on app properties that utilize Soucepoint's SDK 7.6.0 +

Technical changes 

There are two different way to implement Sourcepoint's GPP MSPS solution for your property. In order to migrate your property to the GPP MSPS, your organization must choose one of the approach below and perform the technical changes on existing properties running a U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign:

Replace U.S. Privacy (Legacy) with GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS)

In this section we will cover the technical changes necessary to replace an existing U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaign with GPP MSPS.

Web iOS (mobile) Android (mobile)
  1. Remove U.S. privacy stub file from the property.
    <script>(function () { var e = false; var c = window; var t = document; function r() { if (!c.frames["__uspapiLocator"]) { if (t.body) { var a = t.body; var e = t.createElement("iframe"); e.style.cssText = "display:none"; e.name = "__uspapiLocator"; a.appendChild(e) } else { setTimeout(r, 5) } } } r(); function p() { var a = arguments; __uspapi.a = __uspapi.a || []; if (!a.length) { return __uspapi.a } else if (a[0] === "ping") { a[2]({ gdprAppliesGlobally: e, cmpLoaded: false }, true) } else { __uspapi.a.push([].slice.apply(a)) } } function l(t) { var r = typeof t.data === "string"; try { var a = r ? JSON.parse(t.data) : t.data; if (a.__cmpCall) { var n = a.__cmpCall; c.__uspapi(n.command, n.parameter, function (a, e) { var c = { __cmpReturn: { returnValue: a, success: e, callId: n.callId } }; t.source.postMessage(r ? JSON.stringify(c) : c, "*") }) } } catch (a) { } } if (typeof __uspapi !== "function") { c.__uspapi = p; __uspapi.msgHandler = l; c.addEventListener("message", l, false) } })();
  2. Add GPP stub file to the property.
     //Example only. Please use stub file generated in Sourcepoint portal as it may have changed
    window.__gpp_addFrame=function(e){if(!window.frames[e])if(document.body){var t=document.createElement("iframe");t.style.cssText="display:none",t.name=e,document.body.appendChild(t)}else window.setTimeout(window.__gpp_addFrame,10,e)},window.__gpp_stub=function(){var e=arguments;if(__gpp.queue=__gpp.queue||[],__gpp.events=__gpp.events||[],!e.length||1==e.length&&"queue"==e[0])return __gpp.queue;if(1==e.length&&"events"==e[0])return __gpp.events;var t=e[0],p=e.length>1?e[1]:null,s=e.length>2?e[2]:null;if("ping"===t)p({gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnat","8:usca","9:usva","10:usco","11:usut","12:usct"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}},!0);else if("addEventListener"===t){"lastId"in __gpp||(__gpp.lastId=0),__gpp.lastId++;var n=__gpp.lastId;__gpp.events.push({id:n,callback:p,parameter:s}),p({eventName:"listenerRegistered",listenerId:n,data:!0,pingData:{gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnat","8:usca","9:usva","10:usco","11:usut","12:usct"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else if("removeEventListener"===t){for(var a=!1,i=0;i<__gpp.events.length;i++)if(__gpp.events[i].id==s){__gpp.events.splice(i,1),a=!0;break}p({eventName:"listenerRemoved",listenerId:s,data:a,pingData:{gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnat","8:usca","9:usva","10:usco","11:usut","12:usct"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else"hasSection"===t?p(!1,!0):"getSection"===t||"getField"===t?p(null,!0):__gpp.queue.push([].slice.apply(e))},window.__gpp_msghandler=function(e){var t="string"==typeof e.data;try{var p=t?JSON.parse(e.data):e.data}catch(e){p=null}if("object"==typeof p&&null!==p&&"__gppCall"in p){var s=p.__gppCall;window.__gpp(s.command,(function(p,n){var a={__gppReturn:{returnValue:p,success:n,callId:s.callId}};e.source.postMessage(t?JSON.stringify(a):a,"*")}),"parameter"in s?s.parameter:null,"version"in s?s.version:"1.1")}},"__gpp"in window&&"function"==typeof window.__gpp||(window.__gpp=window.__gpp_stub,window.addEventListener("message",window.__gpp_msghandler,!1),window.__gpp_addFrame("__gppLocator"));
  3. Remove ccpa object and any parameters it may contain from the configuration script.
    window._sp_queue = [];
    window._sp_ = {
        config: {
            accountId: 0000,
            baseEndpoint: 'https://cdn.privacy-mgmt.com',
            propertyHref: 'https://demoacct.com',
            ccpa: {
                    darkmode: true
  4. Add usnat object to the configuration script. Additionally, you may include targetingParams within the object to set key/value pairs that will be used to take a decision within the scenario builder.
    window._sp_queue = [];
    window._sp_ = {
        config: {
            accountId: 0000,
            baseEndpoint: 'https://cdn.privacy-mgmt.com',
            propertyHref: 'https://demoacct.com',
            usnat: {
                    darkmode: true
  5. If your organization has implemented a link/button on-page that resurfaces your privacy manager, replace the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) code snippet with the U.S. Multi-State Privacy code snippet.
Support U.S. Privacy (Legacy) with GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS)

In this section, we will cover the technical changes necessary to implement Sourcepoint's GPP MSPS solution on a property while still supporting the U.S. Privacy API (__uspapi) commands and the setting of the uspString.

  Note: Since U.S. Privacy (Legacy) does not have support for sensitive data categories, any organization who requires sensitive data opt-ins should not use this approach and instead use the Replace U.S. Privacy (Legacy) with GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS) approach. 

Additionally, this method should not be used by organizations who only require Sharing of Personal Information/Targeted Advertising. A uspString will only be set if you use either of the following privacy choices:

  • Sale of Personal Information
  • Sale or Sharing of Personal Information/Targeted Advertising
  1. Keep U.S. privacy stub file on the property.
    <script>(function () { var e = false; var c = window; var t = document; function r() { if (!c.frames["__uspapiLocator"]) { if (t.body) { var a = t.body; var e = t.createElement("iframe"); e.style.cssText = "display:none"; e.name = "__uspapiLocator"; a.appendChild(e) } else { setTimeout(r, 5) } } } r(); function p() { var a = arguments; __uspapi.a = __uspapi.a || []; if (!a.length) { return __uspapi.a } else if (a[0] === "ping") { a[2]({ gdprAppliesGlobally: e, cmpLoaded: false }, true) } else { __uspapi.a.push([].slice.apply(a)) } } function l(t) { var r = typeof t.data === "string"; try { var a = r ? JSON.parse(t.data) : t.data; if (a.__cmpCall) { var n = a.__cmpCall; c.__uspapi(n.command, n.parameter, function (a, e) { var c = { __cmpReturn: { returnValue: a, success: e, callId: n.callId } }; t.source.postMessage(r ? JSON.stringify(c) : c, "*") }) } } catch (a) { } } if (typeof __uspapi !== "function") { c.__uspapi = p; __uspapi.msgHandler = l; c.addEventListener("message", l, false) } })();
  2. Add GPP stub file to the property.
     //Example only. Please use stub file generated in Sourcepoint portal as it may have changed
    window.__gpp_addFrame=function(e){if(!window.frames[e])if(document.body){var t=document.createElement("iframe");t.style.cssText="display:none",t.name=e,document.body.appendChild(t)}else window.setTimeout(window.__gpp_addFrame,10,e)},window.__gpp_stub=function(){var e=arguments;if(__gpp.queue=__gpp.queue||[],__gpp.events=__gpp.events||[],!e.length||1==e.length&&"queue"==e[0])return __gpp.queue;if(1==e.length&&"events"==e[0])return __gpp.events;var t=e[0],p=e.length>1?e[1]:null,s=e.length>2?e[2]:null;if("ping"===t)p({gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnat","8:usca","9:usva","10:usco","11:usut","12:usct"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}},!0);else if("addEventListener"===t){"lastId"in __gpp||(__gpp.lastId=0),__gpp.lastId++;var n=__gpp.lastId;__gpp.events.push({id:n,callback:p,parameter:s}),p({eventName:"listenerRegistered",listenerId:n,data:!0,pingData:{gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnat","8:usca","9:usva","10:usco","11:usut","12:usct"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else if("removeEventListener"===t){for(var a=!1,i=0;i<__gpp.events.length;i++)if(__gpp.events[i].id==s){__gpp.events.splice(i,1),a=!0;break}p({eventName:"listenerRemoved",listenerId:s,data:a,pingData:{gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnat","8:usca","9:usva","10:usco","11:usut","12:usct"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else"hasSection"===t?p(!1,!0):"getSection"===t||"getField"===t?p(null,!0):__gpp.queue.push([].slice.apply(e))},window.__gpp_msghandler=function(e){var t="string"==typeof e.data;try{var p=t?JSON.parse(e.data):e.data}catch(e){p=null}if("object"==typeof p&&null!==p&&"__gppCall"in p){var s=p.__gppCall;window.__gpp(s.command,(function(p,n){var a={__gppReturn:{returnValue:p,success:n,callId:s.callId}};e.source.postMessage(t?JSON.stringify(a):a,"*")}),"parameter"in s?s.parameter:null,"version"in s?s.version:"1.1")}},"__gpp"in window&&"function"==typeof window.__gpp||(window.__gpp=window.__gpp_stub,window.addEventListener("message",window.__gpp_msghandler,!1),window.__gpp_addFrame("__gppLocator"));
  3. Remove ccpa object and any parameters it may contain from the configuration script.
    window._sp_queue = [];
    window._sp_ = {
        config: {
            accountId: 0000,
            baseEndpoint: 'https://cdn.privacy-mgmt.com',
            propertyHref: 'https://demoacct.com',
            ccpa: {
                    darkmode: true
  4. Add usnat object to the configuration script. Additionally, you may include targetingParams within the object to set key/value pairs that will be used to take a decision within the scenario builder.
    window._sp_queue = [];
    window._sp_ = {
        config: {
            accountId: 0000,
            baseEndpoint: 'https://cdn.privacy-mgmt.com',
            propertyHref: 'https://demoacct.com',
            usnat: {
                    darkmode: true
  5. Add includeUspApi: true flag to the usnat object.
    window._sp_queue = [];
    window._sp_ = {
        config: {
            accountId: 0000,
            baseEndpoint: 'https://cdn.privacy-mgmt.com',
            propertyHref: 'https://demoacct.com',
            usnat: {
                includeUspApi: true
  6. If your organization has implemented a link/button on-page that resurfaces your privacy manager, replace the U.S. Privacy (Legacy) code snippet with the U.S. Multi-State Privacy code snippet.

Transfer end-user opt-in/opt-out preferences

When migrating your web/app property from U.S. Privacy to GPP MSPS, Sourcepoint allows your organization to preserve your end-users' opt-in/out out preferences across your frameworks.

  Note: If an end-user rejected a vendor or category for U.S. Privacy, Sourcepoint will set the Sharing of Personal Information Targeted Advertisting and Sale of Personal Information privacy choices or the Sale or Share of Personal Information/Targeted Advertising privacy choice (depending on your configuration) to opted-out when the preferences are transferred.

Web iOS (mobile) Android (mobile)

When migrating your web property from U.S. Privacy to GPP MSPS, Sourcepoint will automatically detect previous end-user opt-in/opt-out preferences for U.S. Privacy and persist those preferences across to GPP MSPS.

A key exception to this automation is if your organization used authenticated consent in your U.S. Privacy configuration.

If authenticated consent was used in your U.S. Privacy configuration you will need to set the transitionCCPAAuth flag within the usnat object. This flag, ensures Sourcepoint looks for authenticated consent within U.S. Privacy profiles and carry that over to GPP MSPS, even if the user current doesn't have U.S. Privacy local data.

window._sp_queue = [];
window._sp_ = {
    config: {
        accountId: 0000,
        baseEndpoint: 'https://cdn.privacy-mgmt.com',
        propertyHref: 'https://demoacct.com',
        usnat: {
            transitionCCPAAuth: true

GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS) API

Information on the standard commands used with __gpp() function can be found in our developer hub:


  Note: Historically, organizations who have used U.S. Privacy (Legacy) campaigns have looked at the uspString (e.g. 1YNN) to determine the applicability of the framework to an end-user. When using U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaigns, the applicability of a section to an end-user within the Global Privacy Platform MSPS framework is determined by looking at the applicableSections response in the ping command.

GPP Multi-State Privacy String Sections

By default, Sourcepoint will set the respective U.S. State privacy section for each of the following U.S. states that are added to the framework territories of a property's vendor list: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia.

The U.S. National Privacy section will be set for all other states/regions added to the framework territories of a property's vendor list.

GPP MSPS Sections

Migration checklist

In this section, we have broken down the components/entities that need to be created within the Sourcepoint portal before launching a campaign on a property that adheres to the GPP MSPS specification.

  Note: In order to migrate your end-user's opt-in/opt-out preferences for a property, the siteId for the migrating property must be the same. Sourcepoint does not support the transitioning of end-user's opt-in/opt-out preferences across different properties. 

Step Resource(s)
1 Assign Permissions

There are two new permissions related to Sourcepoint's GPP MSPS solution: Regulation Settings - USNat and Reporting USNat.

These permissions control a user's ability to configure a U.S. Multi-State Privacy vendor list and configure scheduled reports for U.S. Multi-State Privacy in your account, respectively.

2 Create U.S. Multi-State Privacy vendor list
3 Create U.S. Multi-State Privacy privacy manager/ OTT message
4 Create U.S. Multi-State Privacy first layer message
5 Create U.S. Multi-State Privacy scenario
6 Create U.S. Multi-State Privacy partition set
7 Update U.S. Multi-State Privacy code on property
8 Launch U.S. Multi-State Privacy campaign
10 Reports

Currently, Sourcepoint's U.S. Multi-State Privacy solution only supports scheduled reports.

Follow GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS) - Transition readiness

We strongly encourage all clients to follow this article in order to receive updates of how Sourcepoint is supporting your organization's enablement of GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS).

We will regularly update this article with comments as our support for the transition evolves. By following this article, you will receive email notifications whenever these comments are posted.

  Note: Only users with approved and valid Sourcepoint credentials can subscribe to articles in our help center. If your organization uses an email alias to forward emails to a group of internal users, you will need to create a Sourcepoint user account for that email address and follow the steps below using those credentials. 

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 9.18.22 AM.png


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  • Update Technical Change section with two different approaches your organization can take to implement Sourcepoint's GPP MSPS solution:

    • Replace U.S. Privacy (Legacy) with GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS)
    • Support U.S. Privacy (Legacy) with GPP Multi-State Privacy String (MSPS)


  • Add note to migration checklist regarding siteId needing to be the same in order to successfully migrate opt-in/opt-out preferences between frameworks

  • Add section for transferring end-user opt-in/opt-out preferences

  • Add additional instruction to Technical changes section for replacing code snippet that resurfaces privacy manager on-demand


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